Wine, Food and Events


A visit to Piedmont without visiting one of the famous “Cantinas” is not possible. Either a visit to Canelli with its famous underground cathedral or another cantina with wine tasting, we will help you to experience the best out of the wine world


The cheese varieties of the region, such as Robiola, Toma, Testun, Gorgonzola, Grano Padano, and Mozzarella, are worth tasting for cheese lovers, especially when paired with the right wine! The rich and flavorful varieties seduce everyone.


More or less everyday you will find local markets in and around of Nizza Monferrato. Fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as local delicatessen will be found in every of those markets.


Wine and Grappa are kind of a perfect symbiosis. One of the most famous distillery of the area is “Berta”, just a few minutes away with the car.